Friday, August 5, 2011

Christmas in July (Err...August?)

We had our Christmas in July event on Tuesday, August 2. It was postponed due to air duct issues on the unit, so it ended up being Christmas in August. It was our first time doing this event, and I think that for the first time it went well.

We passed out toys and talked with about 10 children receiving treatment or undergoing procedures in the OMO (Outpatient Medical Observation) at Kosair Children's Hospital. There were a few kids who really enjoyed their visit from Santa. One little guy, upon realizing he had received a large container of PlayDough and cookie cutters, began yelling, "Open it! Open it!" and grinning. His nurse walked into the room to check on him and when she left she grinned at me and said, "I guess he's good!" 

Another little guy was just coming out of sedation when we entered his room to give him a toy truck. He lay flat on the bed, held the truck inches from his face, and tried to make sense of his surroundings. When Santa bent over to talk to him and see if he liked it, his face lit up and he said, "Santa Claus!" He was very excited to get a visit from Santa!

One of the unique things about our ministry is that we aim to serve, support, and encourage siblings as well as parents and patients. We definitely accomplished that! There was one little girl whose sibling was receiving treatment and she was spending the day there too. The look on her face when she realized that Santa held a gift for her too was priceless! She clung to it and her smile was, well, as big as Christmas!

We were able to pray with one family, and make almost everyone smile.

Thank you to those who gave to make this event possible - whether you ran errands, let us borrow your Santa suit, gave financially, helped sort toys, cleaned out bins, or prayed for us. You all made a difference!

Please keep us in prayer as we brainstorm and plan other upcoming events in our quest to show Jesus to these families by loving hard. Thanks.

Hoping, Believing, and Never Giving up,
